« Jewellery with superpowers. Because this is simply what I aim to serve ! »
Hi, I’m DK. I recently moved to Paris from my hometown, Sydney (Australia) so I am entering a whole new era. I have been making jewellery since I was 5 years old, but more professionally since 2016. I mostly create custom jewellery but also work on readymade collections, experimental research projects and imagery.
I never really thought about it, instead, I just focused on ways I could make and sell my own jewellery and designed a career around that. So far it’s working !
Danielle Karlikoff. Because that is my full name. My name on instagram is computa_hydrates which is sometimes confused for my brand name – it was just a handle I created in like 2014 because I was experimenting with a lot of digital art at the time and it just stuck. I should probably change it soon haha.
I am constantly inspired by the idea of contrasts and unexpected juxtapositions: hard/soft, wet/dry, intuition/logic chaos/calm. I think this is the most common thread of the many things that inspire me on a daily basis.
Jewellery with superpowers. Because this is simply what I aim to serve !
I am always most inspired by cultural icons that manage to make a mark by transcending their field through exploring unexpected new territory. A few examples could be David Lynch to Bjork to a lesser know bubble artist called Tom Noddy, to Maria Callas, David Elsewhere, Louise Bourgeois, Bowie, the list goes on… An eclectic mix of iconic icons but they all have this ground-breaking spirit through their life and work.
My “Second Life Diamonds” collection I made as part of the Gem Z talent accelerator program facilitated by Current Obsession in 2021. I am most proud of this project because, unlike most of my other work to date, this was more of a conceptual, research-based project where I collaborated with many people from scientists to cinematographers.
The collection explored the use of non-jewellery diamonds (for example, diamond material used in scientific, medical, and electrical applications) to propose a new type of luxury using these “second life” diamonds in a new collection of four concept pieces and a short film. The project was exhibited at The Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam.
« I would like to think my signature is creating objects and experiences that appear to simultaneously exist in and out of this world. »
Like the sparkly superstar they are.
I would have to say for jewellery, I am mostly inspired by and drawn to the work of industrial designers and architects. A few favourites would be Shiro Kuramata, Ettore Sottsass, Ugo La Pietra, Oscar Tusquets Blanca. I think the forms that these designers so inspiring for jewellery solutions and their work was extremely futuristic for the time.
Dalida. I am living near her grave and visit her often, she is definitely a muse.
My belief is that every little thing is an art if you want it to be, so definitely yes.
Experiment like crazy, get organised, and take care of yourself. Also, I think designers under-estimate the necessity of personal skills for business. Don’t be flaky, be kind, open, generous etc. It goes a long way.